Wie zijn wij?

Wij zijn twee jonge ondernemers met een achtergrond bij Defensie en Politie. We hebben elkaar als buddy’s leren kennen in onze opleiding en tijdens deze periode is onze passie voor Everyday Carry producten ontstaan. Onze missie is dan ook om door middel van onze producten zowel professionals in het werkveld als particulieren middelen aan te kunnen bieden om zijn of haar werk uit te voeren of zichzelf uit een (nood)situatie te kunnen helpen.

  • Everyday Carry Producten: Handigheid en Doel

    Everyday Carry Products: Skill and Purpose

    For many people, carrying everyday essentials comes naturally, but have you ever thought about how useful it can be to have specific products with you? In this blog post, we...

    Everyday Carry Products: Skill and Purpose

    For many people, carrying everyday essentials comes naturally, but have you ever thought about how useful it can be to have specific products with you? In this blog post, we...

  • Bevrijd van PTSS

    Ambassador of Bevrijd van PTSS

    I am Danielle Crezee, the founder and president of the Foundation Liberated from PTSD. Our foundation was created from a deep sense of gratitude, respect and appreciation for (former) uniformed...

    Ambassador of Bevrijd van PTSS

    I am Danielle Crezee, the founder and president of the Foundation Liberated from PTSD. Our foundation was created from a deep sense of gratitude, respect and appreciation for (former) uniformed...

  • Eerste hulp met een Chestlight

    First aid with a Chestlight

    First aid with a Chestlight: In emergency situations, every second counts. Being equipped with the right tools can make all the difference in providing effective first aid. One such tool...

    First aid with a Chestlight

    First aid with a Chestlight: In emergency situations, every second counts. Being equipped with the right tools can make all the difference in providing effective first aid. One such tool...

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Talisman Tactical X STOER